

This resource provides information about characters from the Harry Potter Universe.


slugstringA slug to identify this character
namestringThe title of this character
bornstringThe date and place of birth of this character
diedstringThe date and place of death of this character
genderstringThe gender of this character
speciesstringThe species of this character
heightstringThe height in inch of this character
weightstringThe weight in lbs of this character
hair_colorstringThe hair color of this character
eye_colorstringThe eye color of this character
skin_colorstringThe skin color of this character
blood_statusstringThe blood status of this character
nationalitystringThe nationality of this character
animagusstringThe animagus of this character
boggartstringThe boggart of this character
housestringThe hogwarts house of this character
patronusstringThe patronus of this character
animagusstringThe animagus of this character
alias_namesarrayA list of names this character otherwise was known as
family_memberarrayA list of family members of this character
jobsarrayAn a list of jobs this character did
romancesarrayAn list of romances of this character
titlesarrayAn list of names which describe a character's position or job
wandsarrayA list of wands of this character
imagestringA link to to an image of this character
wikistringA link to the Harry Potter Wiki Page of this character